View the Big Sky Country MLS IDX Policy
The Big Sky Country Multiple Listing Service provides real estate data delivered via WebAPI and RETS through the CoreLogic Trestle Platform to manage data feed access and authorization.
The Big Sky Country MLS does not charge its members for their own data. We charge the vendor who supplies IDX services to those members. The subscription fee is $300 per month.
$200 of that monthly fee is charged by the Big Sky Country MLS; the remaining $100 is a CoreLogic maintenance fee.
These fees are not charged per customer. The vendor is the person or company subscribing to Trestle. Along with their subscription, they may provide that data to as many BSC MLS members as they can handle.
Each customer the vendor provides service to must complete a data license agreement through the Trestle platform (instructions are provided in the "Data Requests" section below).
The agreements are submitted electronically through Authentisign, and must be signed by (1) a vendor representative, (2) the agent requesting the data, and (3) the Broker in Charge of the agents' brokerage.
After all required signatures have been obtained, it is sent to the Big Sky Country MLS for final approval. We will review the agreement thoroughly to ensure all pertinent information is accurate and complete.
One of the most important elements of the agreement is the website URL or program where the data is going to be displayed. If that information is missing, the agreement will be rejected and the vendor would need to resubmit with accurate details of where the BSC MLS listing data will be located.
Technology Providers (a.k.a. IDX Vendors) - please visit, click SIGN IN at the top and login with your Trestle username and password (or create an account if you haven't already by clicking GET STARTED). Once you've logged in, request a connection to Big Sky Country MLS (BSCMLS).
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Gallatin Association of Realtors / Big Sky Country MLS. All Rights Reserved