Did You Know?
The very idea of a Multiple Listing Service is unknown outside North America. Competitors working together to sell homes is something we take for granted here. In the rest of the world, real estate professionals deal with uncertainty, incomplete information and little to no enforcement of rules.
The MLS is an amazing tool. It makes the market work!
We deliver three important things to our members:
We safeguard market information so you can do your job confidently. You can count on the data with the Big Sky Country MLS being reliable and timely; you can count on the rules guiding participation, cooperation, and compensation being enforced.
We create connections between professionals with properties to sell and those with clients who may buy them.
The Big Sky Country MLS is a dynamic community of professionals who work together on agreed upon terms. The magic of the MLS lies in competitors working together to create an efficient marketplace.
BUYERS working with a REALTOR® member of the Big Sky Country MLS know they will always have access to the most current and reliable picture of available properties and have assurances that agents representing sellers will work with their REALTOR®.
SELLERS who list with a REALTOR® member of the Big Sky Country MLS know their home will be placed in front of nearly every real estate professional currently working with active buyers. This is more powerful than any marketing or advertising.
In important ways, the MLS makes the real estate market work.
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Gallatin Association of Realtors / Big Sky Country MLS. All Rights Reserved